9 November 2016

Trivia Guide - Silly Trivia

By Grace Jovinavic

Silly Trivia

Q: How many percent of the Americans has appeared on television?
A: 25%

Q: What is the big issue when a snake is born with two heads?
A: They fight for food

Q: Which famous inventor was afraid in the dark? (Hint: maybe that explains one of his inventions)
A: Thomas Edison

Q: As a wedding gift, Queen Victoria received 1,000 pounds of what?
A: Cheese

Q: What is 330,330 times smaller than the sun?
A: The Earth

Q: Sigmund Freud had a morbid fear of what?
A: ferns

Q: What is a baby cat called?
A: A kitten

Q; Which letter is used most in the English alphabet?
A; E

Q: A hummingbird ways as much as which coin?
A: a penny

Q: In 1980, there was only one country in the world with no telephones, which one?
A: Bhutan

Q: How many months have 30 days?
A: 11

Q: What did Babe Ruth wear on his head to keep him cool?
A: A cabbage leaf

Q: A shrimp has it's brain in his tail, maybe that is why it can only swim in this direction...
A: backward

Q: How many percent of dog and cat owners carry pictures of the pets in their wallets according to polls?
A: 40 percent

Q:  A word I know, six letters it contains. Subtract just one and twelve is what remains.
A: Dozens

Q: How many grooves does a dime have on its edge?
A: 118

Q: When a spotted skunk does a handstand, what will happen next
A: They'll spray

Q: Which planet is made entirely out of gasses?
A: Jupiter

Q: Smelling this spice boosts cognitive function and memory
A: Cinnamon

Q: True or false: the names of Popeye's four nephews are Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye and Poopeye.

A: True

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