25 October 2016

Happy ToT Hunt [Completed] [Ended]

(no hunt image found)

Hunt Starting Date: 29 September
Hunt Finishing Date: 1 November

Cost: Free

Type of Hunt: Sim Wide

Sim Ratings: This sim is rated General

Objective: Find over 20 different candy cones hidden around the sim

Starting Location:
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FloMaramia/90/55/4001 (General)
























(I could only find 23)

End of Hunt

This hunt is great fun for the whole Second Life family and a great thing to do with your Second Life kids or kids you know about this hunt ways easy to do as they were out in the open I wish the Hunt Organizers gave us an exact number of hunt items to find but they just said over 20+ hunt items so pretty vague anyway great hunt its really fun I cant wait till they release another hunt cause this was interesting

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