28 October 2016

Trivia Guide - Halloween by Grace Jovinavic

Are you at a trivia party or contest where there's lindens to be won but don't have a single clue about any of the questions simply because you know little or nothing about the subject? This post will be of EVERY single trivia question and its answer and you dear fans/community can help out simply create a new notecard and copy and paste every single question and answer of the trivia and send that notecard to SLHuntSpoilers Resident with the title of the card saying what category of questions were they and who made the trivia notecard to put into the trivia machine this will be a community project I hope you find this fun to help each other win lindens and such I will make separate posts for the trivia guide so you can find them easier

Grace Jovinavic

Q: Besides pumpkins, many other food items were once used to make jack-o-lanterns. Which of the following was not used? Potatoes, Turnips, Oranges or Beets 
A: Beets

Q: What is a jack-o'-lantern? 
A: Carved pumpkin

Q: 'Casper the friendly ___' 
A: Ghost

Q: What do you carve a pumpkin into at Halloween time?
A: Jack O'Lantern

Q: If you wear your clothing backwards and walk backwards on Halloween night, at midnight, if you look in the sky, you will see what?
A: A witch

Q: What is a classic Halloween comedy staring Goldie Hawn, Meryl Streep and Bruce Willis?
A: Death Becomes Her

Q: Kids love to get ___ when they go 'trick or treating'!
A: Candy

Q: What Tim Burton movie blends Halloween and Christmas?
A: Nightmare Before Christmas

Q: If you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, you will see what?
A: Bloody Mary

Q: What is Samhainophobia
A: Fear of Halloween

Q: What are the two colours considered Halloween colours?
A: Black and Orange

Q: By what name was Halloween originally known?
A: All Hallows' Eve

Q: True or False: Pumpkins are always orange.
A: False

Q: A typical Halloween game involving apples.
A: Bobbing for Apples

Q: What do you say at the door when you are out asking for candy?
A: Trick or treat

Q: What creature is a supernatural being, generally malevolent in character?
A: Demon

Q: What was the number one Halloween costume for boys in 2010?
A: Superman

Q: I have a tall, pointy hat and fly on a broomstick. I sometimes have a green face and warts. What am I?
A: Witch

Q: A practitionar of witchcraft, especially benevolent, nature-oriented practices derived from pre-Christian religions.
A: Wiccan

Q: What is white and filmy and haunts you on Halloween?
A: Ghost

<End of Trivia>

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